Let Your Athlete Be Dressed for Family Photos!

Dear parents .... let your kids be dressed for family photos!

I'll admit it, I'm often here telling you the value of family photos ... especially as your children grow into their teenage years ... but I do not take my own advice! The last time we took anything close to a family photo that included us parents was when I pulled out the tripod shortly after Chase was born in 2012. In recent months we have "updated" that photo twice ... during Ashley's senior nights (huge shout out to Kate Garaffa (soccer) & Marie LaPlante (basketball) for capturing these moments for my family as well as the other senior families on these teams). While I truly treasure these images of our family ... let's face it ... if I'm going to hang a 16x20 framed print above my couch I'd prefer Ashley to be wearing something other than an athletic uniform!

I know that as parents of teenagers - especially the teenage athlete - finding a moment to commit to taking a family portrait takes a lot of creativity! And while golden hour provides gorgeous light to capture these images, so often kids are practicing or playing a game when it happens. I have been on the sideline capturing kids playing sports in this light ... or driving home from a game when it happens!

While investing in a full hour plus session during golden hour with everyone in perfectly coordinated outfits is certainly ideal, for so many of us families of teenagers this ideal is realistically is not obtainable.

So here is your permission .... it is ok to miss golden hour! It is ok that you have 19 minutes available Sunday at 11:37 AM! It is ok that you are just happy everyone is in clean clothes! And its ok that the location is on the side of the road on your way to an event!

I'd love to work with you to find that precise moment in time to capture this precious time with you. I'll show up on the side of the road at 11:37 AM on a Sunday to freeze time with you before your teenagers sprout their wings and fly into their next great adventure ... and if we're lucky, I'll even get a reluctant smile out of them! Who knows .... maybe I'll even listen to my own advise and carve out a piece of time this spring or summer to do the same!