After a night in Fussen (Hotel Fussen was an incredibly great place to stay, affordable and had an incredible breakfast …. imagine, flavorful yogurt that isn’t neon in color! …. I highly would recommend it!) we wandered around the streets for a bit in the morning, explored a Church (hello creepy crypt!) and then set off back to Austria yet since we were just a stone’s throw and Emily was not with us in Salzburg and had yet to check Austria off her list.
In Austria we watched a pulley system deliver buckets of rocks to and from a quarry (I think this thing must have been a couple miles plus long) and then we drove along a river and checked out the blue water spill over a dam.
We then set out along the autobahn (Amazon Prime is in Europe too) heading to the walled city of Rothenburg - our destination for the night. We walked along the wall, had lunch in an outside cafe and visited a teddy bear store & a Christmas store before turning in for the evening.