Day nine had us visiting the oldest pastry shop in Denmark (Konditori La Glace) for a sweet treat and a little bit of shopping in the shopping district. I brought home several new holiday decorations, Chase got some Legos (after attempting to explain the kits he wanted would not fit in our luggage) and the girls did some damage at H&M.
We then left Copenhagen to visit Uxue’s town of Kalundborg. We also stopped at a cute little town on the way - whose name is currently totally escaping me.
We had a late lunch, or maybe it was an early dinner, before exploring the streets and seeing her college and dorm. We also made sure her cabinet were full of some treats and snacks before we said goodnight (she had class in the morning but would take the train back to spend a bit more time with us the next day) and we made our way back to Copenhagan.