Well, maybe better put “full day one”. The day prior we arrived in Munich in the morning …. I think spent a good solid 2 hours at the airport getting through customs and waiting for our luggage to make it. We then set off to start our vacation on a very solemn, yet important note at Dachau Concentration Camp. I wanted to sit in the visit as much as possible, so I elected to not carry my big camera with me. After our visit we grabbed a nap, then dinner and picked Uxue up from the airport.
Day One brought us to Salzburg, Austria (yes, I did twirl in a field in the alps in my best Julie Andrews impersonation) and we were privileged to meet some of Uxue’s family. Her aunt, uncle and two cousins meet us and toured us around the city. Chase even worked with the younger of her cousins to overcome the language barrier between technology and the universal child language - play!
Salzburg was such a beautiful place that I hope to return again some day for a few days of exploration. The narrow streets with pastel painted buildings and shop signs that are nothing short of works of art are just some of the many highlights.
After a fantastic day we then headed back to Munich to grab Emily from the airport. You’ll see some gems in these images taken by Chase of both his sisters … and our AirBnB kitchen snacks … I don’t know why we have the photo but he took it so it is important enough to save!
Oh and forgive me … many of the images on this trip are taken as we are driving through the windows!! You can also see all our trip images in this gallery. https://deniseephotography.zenfolio.com/p1015676472